Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Eat, Pray, Love!

Last Friday,Andrew took me to the movies to see "Eat,Pray,Love". We were both really excited to see it since we're both adamant eaters and Julia Roberts fans. I have sort of a history with "Eat, Pray, Love"... I bought it a few years ago when Oprah told me to and it's been sitting on my bookshelf ever since. I just keep forgetting about it. Anyway, even though the critics panned it, I was very excited to see the movie. I never agree with what critics write anyway...they're too....critical.

The movie was absolutely outstanding in my opinion! The Italy scenes were so well done that it made you not only want to go there, but made you feel as though you WERE there! Everything looked so delicious on screen...even after the two of us had just scarfed down somme chicken sandwiches from Wendy's ;). Julia, of course, did a wonderful job and it was just a really entertaining and rather inspiring movie. It seemed particularly relevant to my current situation as well. Maybe that's why it appealed to me so much. She just gets up one day and goes. I've done that and I don't regret it. It's the only way to really experience life, especially when you feel as though you're trapped and there's no way out.

Seeing this movie with Andrew was almost imperative. I can't imagine having enjoyed it as much with anyone else. It's a very "Vince & Andrew" movie... we tend to look at films like this the same way and like the same we enjoyed this much like we enjoyed "Julie & Julia" and "A Single Man" (my two favorite films of 2009)! So, I would really recommend seeing this despite what the critics say. I haven't read the book, so I can't attest to how closely linked they are. But it's not the book. It's the movie. It's meant to ENTERTAIN! And that's just what it does! So, eat up! :)

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