This entry, I'm sure will cause a bit of controversy if anyone actually reads it, but then, I can't make it to the powder room and back without causing some kind of controversy, so, who cares.
Several people seem to be under the impression that I don't believe in a God or a higher power and so on and so forth... My question is, why? I make a joke here and there and enjoy pretty things so this makes me an atheist of some kind? I have a lot of beliefs. Some conventional, some not so conventional (for America). For starters, my number one belief is that I don't believe in telling others what they're SUPPOSED to believe in and what's "right" and "wrong". This rule, and it's gone so far as to be scientifically proven, is what you send out, you get back (do unto others as you would have them do unto you). Karma plays a big part in our lives weather you chose to believe it or not. It's not up to us.
Now, God. Do I believe in God? Yes. Do I pray? More than anyone would imagine. Do I flaunt it and put down others who don't or even talk about it? No. It's very personal to me. There is definitely some form of higher being who's content to let the inmates run the asylum and he or she intervenes when necessary.
Now, here's the part where people seem to just roll their eyes...past lives/future lives and lifetimes. Like I said, I do believe in God and I don't think he'd create us, and waste us after a little time on Earth. I truly believe the soul never dies. Does it arrive at a pearly gate with angels and clouds? I don't know. None of this can be proven. It doesn't have to be, at least not for me. We live in such a scientific society that everything has to be physically proven or it's nonsense. Now, two thirds of the world believes in reincarnation,, so when are we going to at least open our minds to it?
My belief is that after we go, we go on to the higher for of learning. When we decide it's time to return to the schoolroom (Earth, or maybe another Planet that we haven't discovered yet, which is why our interests may be so peaked in far off planets), we do. The soul never dies and it continues it's journey. Now, I don't know if it comes to an end at some point or if it's infinite. But the way I think we're all connected is by this one God who created and connected us all. We meet people, smell things, see things we recognize that can't possibly be from this lifetime. So, if we'd open up our minds and pay attention to our guts, we may actually remember.
Case in point, Andrew managed to track down a bottle of Ma Griffe perfume for me (Judy's perfume). I've never smelled it in my life and have been trying to find it for years. The moment I smelled it, it gave me chills. I know this smell. I don't know where or when I've smelled it before, but it's a very distinct smell and I know it well. I'm still trying to think of how I can possibly remember it because nothing smells like it that I've smelled in this lifetime. Could it be some connection between me and Judy? Or even someone else who wore it? It's been around since 1946.
My point is, we're never really finished and I'm going to try not to let the death of someone I admire or love get to me so much because they're not gone, they're learning and living in another reality perhaps not as far from ours as we think.
Bravo! I knew there were many reasons I adore you and this is it. I believe much the way you do- there wasn't anything that you've said here that I could disagree with. You're a wise old girl you are!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Darling! I try... I love you too! ;) <3